
What is SculpSure®?
SculpSure is an FDA cleared device that permanently reduces
the number of fat cells in the submental area using laser
technology. The SculpSure technology raises the temperature
of fat cells damaging their structural integrity. The skin is safe
and comfortable throughout the treatment. The damaged fat
cells are removed naturally from your body through your
lymphatic system. The short 25 minute treatment can destroy
up to 24% of treated fat cells without surgery.
What about fat cells?
The number of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remain constant throughout our adult life. After the SculpSure treatment, the destroyed fat cells will not return. When we lose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but typically dont decrease in number. Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas.
What is the difference between fat-loss and weight-loss?
The number of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remain consistent throughout our adult life. After the SculpSure treatment, the destroyed fat cells will not return. However, we loose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but typically doesn't decrease in number. Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas.

What to expect?
A consultation is required to see if you are a good candidate for this treatment. Each person is unique with the number of SculpSure treatments needed and not everyone is a good candidate for this service. During the consultation, we will discuss what areas will give you the best overall change, and how many treatments are needed. ​